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How to Write Guides That Will Bring You Customers and Traffic

How to Write Guides That Will Bring You Customers and Traffic

After all, what are some of the reasons why individuals read guides?

They wish to do certain behaviors to accomplish a certain goal in the end. They state that one should "press the green button on the remote control to turn on the TV." They obtain:

  1. Perform this action by pressing the button.
  2. The result is that the TV begins to function.

The conclusion is as follows:

A useful guide needs to have the following two components:

  • A precise formula consisting of the following acts performed one after the other: It illustrates the steps a user must take to get the desired outcome. The specifics will change depending on who is watching. The less background information the person has, the more in-depth the tutorial will be.
  • A tangible result: When a user follows the directions, they receive the output, which may be a mouthwatering borscht, a business strategy, or a WordPress website that is already prepared.

In this piece, we will provide some useful advice on how to develop user manuals that people will read, adore, and share with their friends. You will get an understanding of what specifics need to be considered for a guide to becoming effective, as well as how to organize it for improved reader engagement and sales conversions.

Let's begin by looking at an example.

What are the traits of a reliable guide?

Your guide will not rise, and it will not provide any more value, if it does not deliver a particular outcome that readers acquire after reading and following all of the directions that you gave.

Let's say you're working on a piece of advice about selecting a microphone.

The procedure seems straightforward:

You can purchase a microphone by going online, typing "buy a microphone" into a Google search, going to a website, selecting a manufacturer, placing an order, and waiting for it to be delivered.

Nevertheless, individuals choose microphones for a variety of applications, including live streaming, recording studios, podcasts, stage performances, and so forth. Condenser microphones, dynamic microphones, and tube microphones are the three primary categories of microphones. And which one should you choose if you only have a certain amount of money?

Therefore, following the aforementioned method won't get you anywhere in particular.

If we tried to develop a handbook that applied to everyone, we'd wind up with something like the Harry Potter book series—that is, it would be much too lengthy and far too general. It won't even be read by anyone. Reviews of microphones would be more useful in this situation, assisting people in making a decision about which device to purchase.

You inquire, "Where do I use the guides then?"

Guides are useful when you need to convey the process of accomplishing anything by dissecting it into a series of phases (also called steps). For the microphone used as an example, a guide may be something along the lines of "How to connect a microphone to a sound card and set up a sound recording program," rather than a more general "How to choose a microphone."

You should recall that there was a certain algorithm that included a series of steps performed in sequential order.

How to Construct an Effective Guide That Users Will Take Pleasure in Reading

And now it's time for some practice. Take into consideration the following advice if you want the instructions you create to be helpful, actionable, and produce results:

1. Take into consideration the prior experience of the audience.

You have decided to compose a tutorial entitled "How to Grow Cucumbers in Any Soil." When you go down to write, the first thing you should ask yourself is, "Who will be your reader?"

  1. An accomplished horticulturist working for Elon Musk's team who has personally cultivated one million cucumbers and is now making preparations to construct a greenhouse on Mars?
  2. Someone's grandma, who, while having a great deal of knowledge, also does not want to spend a lot of money on costly fertilizers?
  3. Or maybe it's a senior in high school who's been assigned biology readings to complete over the summer.

You are going to need a distinct set of guidelines for each of these target reader groups. The length of these guides, the specifics, the topics they cover, their organizational format, the number of photographs and examples they provide, and the way they are narrated will all be different.

It is doubtful that a grandma would grasp the professional language of a scientist who specializes in breeding, while a student does not require the knowledge of scales since he just needs three cucumbers to grow.

Important: If you don't specify the target audience for your guide, you'll lose time. Get to know your audience very well and write from their perspective; varied levels of users need varied levels of detail in their respective guides.

2. Get rid of the unnecessary components and keep the "meat."

There is no need in your instructions for you to create flourishing descriptions or make use of literary skills from publications intended for authors. Maintain a current state of affairs, and don't forget the reason why people read guides:

They seek to find a solution to the issue and get the desired outcome.

Don't overwhelm the reader with complex lexical elements, an excessive amount of details, or duplicated information. Don't take away from the core. Help them through the process by walking them through the first step, the second step, the third step, and the outcome.

The objective is to go from point A (what it was) to point B (what it evolved into). Get rid of all the specifics that don't contribute to the result. Even if your guide looks brief, let it be so.

3. Exaggerate the examples as much as possible.

Keep in mind that the majority of information is processed via visuals since humans are visual learners. When writing about difficult-to-explain procedures that need the "show, don't tell" concept, visualization is very necessary for the success of your guide. In particular, this is true when you are describing steps. constructing anything out of paper, such as a crane, for instance.

Using pictures makes it much simpler to demonstrate the steps involved, the end product, and any potential errors. Illustrations that are done correctly assist the user in comprehending what they are doing correctly as well as where they are going wrong. You may take a snapshot of the area instead of providing a detailed explanation of where to click. And there are situations when the use of video is preferable: As a result, the guide won't be cluttered with an excessive number of photos.

You can't just depict guidelines for the sake of doing so. You run the danger of making the information you provide more difficult to understand if you focus on picturing every minute detail.

There is no need to provide examples for the things that are obvious. There is a good chance that the user is familiar with the location of the Enter button. Keep in mind the amount of knowledge possessed by your audience, since this will determine the number of points that need illustration.

4. Relate a private experience to the group.

There is a saying that is difficult to argue against, and it is this:

It is necessary to have prior experience to impart knowledge to others.

When creating a guide, it is essential that you have a firm grasp of the subject matter and be intimately familiar with the particulars. If at all possible, you should explain your personal experience; otherwise, errors and inaccuracies are very certain to creep in.

If you are an expert but cannot write, you should seek the assistance of experienced editors. Once you have received the final versions of any texts that were crafted by professionals you outsourced or freelance writers you hired, review those texts for flaws.

In any case, the writers of the greatest guides are those who know the specialized field in addition to having direct experience working in it.

5. Make sure you follow the steps in the correct order.

"Take the planting soil that you prepared a week ago," the farmer instructed. The reader shouldn't be taken aback by such remarks. They should be expected. If we are going to "take the soil" today, then the step before this one must have been something along the lines of "Prepare the soil you'll need in a week."

Protect your readers from unexpected or confusing information. When creating your guide, be sure to follow the step-by-step instructions in the correct order.

Once you have completed the guide, kindly do not rush to post it on the blog or any other marketing platform you have for it as soon as you have finished. Test it! Examine the mechanism behind it: Follow the directions in order, and you will eventually reach your destination.

Involving members of the target demographic in the testing process is another, perhaps superior, approach. If they are successful in resolving their issue with the assistance of your guide, then voilà! If it does work, then the task at hand has been completed. Don't be afraid to talk about it in front of a large number of people right now.


  • What kinds of company subfields need guides on their various resources?

The e-commerce industry benefits most from the use of guides. This content type may also be used by businesses in the financial sector, such as banks, insurance firms, traders, or brokers, to provide further information about the services they provide. Those who work in the tourist industry might broaden their blogging efforts by including guides.

In general, guides as a genre are useful for a variety of commercial fields, and they are adaptable enough to be successful in practically any specialized field. Sharing information that is both relevant and helpful helps businesses build a dedicated audience that, if helped by the company's resources, is more likely to become paying customers. In all honesty, this is how successful content marketing is carried out.

  • What is the key distinction between an overview and a review?

These two categories of material are aimed at distinct audiences:

The difference between a review and a guide is that the latter explains how to choose or make use of the product in question. A step-by-step guideline for a user to follow to deal with the challenge of selecting a brand or product that meets their requirements most optimally is an example of a guide.

  • How can one determine who will read the guide?

If you are a freelance writer, you should ask one of your clients to describe a buyer's persona in depth. Talk to the individuals whose problems you wish to tackle if you are an expert who plans to write a guide on your own. Learn as much as you can about their degree of expertise on the subject, pay attention to the way they communicate, and figure out the writing style that will be most useful for your future guide.

Read the posts and comments in the following online groups and discussion forums: How do different individuals approach the challenge that you are about to talk about? What do you think they lack?

To find out the most frequently asked questions that customers have about your product or service, do interviews with your sales managers or support staff.

  • How many pages does a decent guide need to have?

Your tutorial needs to be comprehensive enough to assist consumers in achieving their goals. The more condensed and applicable your answer is, the better. If you can answer the question the reader has in a single line, you should do that.

Rachid Achaoui
By : Rachid Achaoui
Hello, I'm Rachid Achaoui. I am a fan of technology, sports and looking for new things very interested in the field of IPTV. We welcome everyone. If you like what I offer you can support me on PayPal: Communicate with me via WhatsApp : ⁦+212 695-572901

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