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Here's Why Email Is Still the Best Marketing Channel (and How to Do it Right)

Here's Why Email Is Still the Best Marketing Channel (and How to Do it Right)

When half the world appears to be talking about the metaverse, it seems strange, if not antiquated, to be talking about email. Why bother talking about something we all already know and use every day?

And herein lies the solution.

Every day, everyone checks at least one email account. If you can get into that account, you're golden.

Let me repeat: if you can come up with a compelling reason for people to subscribe to your newsletter as well as compelling email text, you're great. People will not read any email; nevertheless, they will read the excellent things.

I believe this so strongly that I have created a company that is nearly completely based on email. My most recent website is where I analyze the future, identify patterns, and educate subscribers on how to prepare for them. And I've decided that email will be my major marketing medium for everything.

Statistics are on my side.

Email will be relevant in the future, according to data

Email marketing is simple to use, inexpensive, and appropriate for every organization. Plus:


  • The return on investment for email marketing is an astounding $36 for every $1 invested. Mertaverse, beat that!
  • There are presently 4 billion daily email users worldwide, with that figure predicted to rise to 4.6 billion by 2025.
  • Email marketing revenue is expected to reach $10 billion in 2022 and rise to $17.9 billion by 2027.
  • Only 1.3% of businesses are reducing their email expenditure, while 37% are increasing it.
  • In B2B, 81% of marketers think email newsletters are the most important sort of content.
  • 99% of users check their email daily, and some check it up to 20 times each day! (I'm "some" as well!)
  • Email is the most intimate form of communication. This statement is supported by 74% of Baby Boomers, 72% of Gen X, 64% of Millennials, and 60% of Gen Z.

All of the numbers and estimates above show that email is still expanding. If you were thinking about becoming serious about email marketing, now is the time. Everything becomes oversaturated at some point.

And email is on its way there.


  • People are reading fewer brand emails. In 2018, they spent 13.4 seconds per email, 11.8 seconds in 2020, and barely 10 seconds in 2021.
  • Based on the degree of interaction, 63% of firms cut their emailing frequency.

Because brand emails and promotions have grown so common in our inboxes, it's only natural for consumers to minimize the amount of time they devote to each email. After all, there are an increasing number of individuals competing for the same attention span.

This is when the importance of quality comes into play. Good emails will be viewed indefinitely. Even if you include a discount code in the subject line, bad emails will be deleted without being opened.

Remember how I stated my newest venture would be nearly exclusively based on email? So, here's how I make my emails stand out in a sea of inboxes (and get results):

How I Write Emails That Subscribers Read and Respond To

The majority of emails are sent in order to sell something. That's OK; after all, this is how a firm may exist.

The only issue is that receivers can see straight through it. Pushy and sleazy email ads aimed at instilling FOMO above all else (if you don't purchase now, you'll miss out on this opportunity you never asked for) aren't doing so well anymore.

Readers want material (including emails) that evokes a personal connection. Yes, we employ automated programs to send emails to thousands of recipients all at once.

You can, however, make each email seem personalized. Before I press Send on ConvertKit (my email marketing tool), I perform the following:


  • To get people's attention, I tell a narrative. My tales often become personal. It's not scary or NSFW, but it's intimate enough to establish a genuine bond between myself and my reader.
  • Every email I send has one of these ingredients: an analysis, an intriguing point of view, amusement, and a memorable or inspirational tale. Even if they aren't interested in what the email promotes, they will know they didn't waste their time reading it.
  • Every communication or business deal I pitch them emphasizes the personal element. For instance, I'd never offer "here's a promo code for 25% off." Instead, I'll explain why I decided to provide a voucher in the first place—why now, why this amount, why to them, and so on.

In a nutshell, I bring the human element back into what has become an impersonal mode of communication. It's a tragedy that we've removed any human touch from email. And I want to make amends.

Because I began this adventure with some resentment for the present condition of email, I've also created a digital download for my subscribers. You know, to help get as many people as possible to read nice emails.

If you're about to launch a product or service and want to adopt a new, more human-centric approach to email marketing, this ready-to-send sequence of five emails is for you. All you have to do is download it, fill in the blanks (product name, elevator pitch, etc.), and email it. Sending anything genuinely worth reading takes less than a minute per email.

Rachid Achaoui
By : Rachid Achaoui
Hello, I'm Rachid Achaoui. I am a fan of technology, sports and looking for new things very interested in the field of IPTV. We welcome everyone. If you like what I offer you can support me on PayPal: Communicate with me via WhatsApp : ⁦+212 695-572901

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