Will artificial intelligence take our jobs? Perhaps some jobsOthers are not so sure.
The jury is still out when it comes to writing about employment.
GPT-3 and AI have come a long way. However, I am convinced that human authors are still in great need. But I still need to put the AI-powered "competition" to the test before I can make an informed forecast, right?
I had intended to create a piece titled "How to Improve Your Organic CTR." Instead of creating from scratch and conducting my own research, I chose to delegate the task to AI.
Outranking, the most powerful AI writing solution currently on the market, was employed for this article. I had previously used Outranking, but largely to develop briefs for the SEO writers on my team.
While the briefs created by this solution are technically sound, I added a lot of personal touches before sending them to our authors. Nonetheless, this saved me and our authors roughly two hours of research time.
But I became greedy and desired more. Let's see what AI can achieve if it's designed to entirely replace humanity.
So I took the "lazy" route and let Outranking handle everything.
This is where it went.
The First Steps in Creating an Article with an AI Solution
The first thing I did was feed my core keyword, "increase organic CTR." It offers a medium level of difficulty, making it ideal for testing.
The solution takes two minutes to compile a list of headlines.
What I like about this list is that it recognizes that brackets increase CTR and has included some of them. Of course, they need to be edited, but it's a decent start.
Pro: There are many alternatives to pick from, and they are properly structured to increase CTR and gain more views.
Con: Not all of them sound human, and they might use some work.
I decided on a title and proceeded to the next stage, the outline.
The list of H2s is considerably longer than I can fit in a screenshot, which is great because I enjoy long-form information.
Pro: There are a lot of headlines, and they all follow SEO best practices; they could even get me one of those coveted response boxes.
Con: They are clearly not authored by humans. They are all impersonal and dry.
So far, I have a title and an outline. I may provide the brief to my authors. But I won't because Outranking has promised to handle the writing as well:
I choose the last option: researching and writing with AI.
Let's see what I can think of.
Could AI help you write better?
Outranking's investigation took just four minutes, despite the fact that it should have taken about 20 minutes, as seen in the picture above.
The solution provided me with the research I required for the full article:
Pro: I can go through the research and add to it or remove parts of it if the AI decides to link to some of my rivals.
Con: I went over everything (for science! ), but I made no changes, despite the fact that the AI recommended 16 to 31 parts and I only have 9.
Let's get started on that draft:
I chose the Premium First Draft option because I genuinely want to see this idea succeed.
Here are some screenshots of the results:
I really liked the following section since it was phrased in a way that would get me a Google Answer Box:
If I don't want to use the response box, I can just add extra flesh to each of the six bullet points and turn them into H3. That would also fix my problem with the number of parts, so if I really needed this post, I would do that.
Pro: everything is readable, and there is no sense of "cheaply spun content."
BIG CON: AI sometimes mixes organic CTR with sponsored ad CTR. This implies that you'll need to know a little bit about the subject and make some substantial changes yourself.
As you can see, my paper now lacks an introduction. But that's fine since my AI friend promises me a brilliant introduction. or other forms of introductions, which are also entertaining to attempt.
I chose my personal favorite, the problem-agitate-solution opening. I went un-lazy for a second and gently changed the title to make it.I also included a target demographic:
Pro: It's readable and provides me with a decent starting point.
Con: It's excessively impersonal for a PAS approach and seems like something a novice writer would write.
You may do the same thing for each section's introduction and conclusion.
You may also include links, photos, and alt tags.
I accomplished everything about the text and nothing concerning the visuals (we're on the clock here! I won't bore you with screenshots of everything, though.
The End Result of AI SEO Writing
This is my last screen before exporting to Word or directly into WordPress.
I highlighted the export choices for you as well as my SEO score. It's 67, which isn't terrible given I don't have any links or graphics. I'm confident that just those two would bring me to a respectable 75-80.
I saved it as a Word document because I'm not going to publish it. I came up with 1128 words, which is a solid starting point for a long-form blog entry.
Total hours spent on this:
It's been 47 minutes! This snapshot was taken from Word, and it includes the time I spent writing this essay (thus far, at least). I wrote quickly, but I also needed to capture screenshots, crop and edit them, and then upload them here.
Overall, I estimate that this plan took less than 30 minutes to create.
My Opinion on AI Writing vs. Human Writing
I haven't used an AI-based writing solution in a long time. I'm astonished (and a little concerned) at how far they've come.
Outranking's essay is a far cry from the unintelligible messages I received from other tools a few years ago. It is readable, makes sense, and even offers value and essential information.
But would I publish it as is?
No. On top of the links and photos suggested by the program, it clearly needs extensive editing and some further additions.
The majority of the modifications it requires, however, are of the "human touch" variety. Something more interesting to the reader than a lawn mower handbook
Overall, I'll continue to use Outranking to develop outlines, ideas for new blogs, and SEO briefings. I will also continue to pay my human authors to accomplish the work that AI cannot currently do.
You may start here if you want to try it out for yourself and see if you can compete with an AI writer.