Seeing unfavorable links about your organization online is never a pleasant experience. It's possible that a minor blunder or event has harmed your internet reputation to the point that you believe it's having a negative influence on your organization. While your initial inclination may be to want to get them removed, how you go about doing so is critical.
You might think there's a black market service for removing unfavorable connections, but there isn't. And it's doubtful that this is the simplest approach to having them deleted. In actuality, the most straightforward and successful technique for removing connections is to just ask. The four major stages to removing unfavorable links about you or your business are outlined below.
What exactly are "negative links"?
A "negative" link is a Google search result that can be harmful to your business. Often, the most difficult to delete connections are published in journalistic channels, distinct from things like reviews and forum postings. These stories might be the outcome of a crisis your firm had, such as a shipping and supply issue, a bad customer experience, or a poorly timed social media post. As a result, a negative association may be totally fair and appropriate for its news coverage.
This does not, however, mean that the press may say whatever they want about your firm. Negative links may contain inaccurate information or lack a comment from leadership; this is known as the "right to reply," which every journalist is required to provide when a firm or individual is accused of something in an article. If this is the case, you may have reasons to request that the link be deleted or, at the very least, amended.
1. Create a link list.
Compiling a list of bad connections is the first step in not just identifying what you want deleted but also in determining the best way to delete them. You'll then need to pick the appropriate individual to reach out to. It might be the journalist's work email, a general editorial email, or—if appropriate—a complaint or general email located on the outlet's "Contact Us" page. Once you've compiled a list of outlets and a preliminary contact sheet of emails to reach out to, double-check to see if there are any stories in outlets that collaborate—such as sibling publications or syndicated media—that you may reach out to for numerous connections.
2. Make contact with the outlet.
If you want compassion and empathy from journalists and media outlets, you must approach the situation from the same angle. The fact is that removing unfavorable links is as simple as asking respectfully; most people will be understanding and willing to assist.
Contact the publication and explain why you're writing: You need the links deleted since they're hurting your or a client's business. Please share if there is incorrect information or facts, or if there is an additional aspect to the story that affects the viewpoint of the piece.
3. Maintain contact.
Journalists are incredibly busy individuals, and there is a considerable risk that your email will be missed. Follow up after a week, asking kindly whether they've had a chance to read your email, and then once more. If you keep following up, the journalist will undoubtedly feel harassed and will either ignore your request or simply block your email. Consider returning at a calmer time, like on a Friday afternoon, and explaining that you'd appreciate it if they could take a look whenever they have a spare moment.
4. Locate an Alternate Route
If email fails, you might find better success on Twitter or LinkedIn. However, not all journalists use social media professionally, so if you do not hear back through any of these channels, it may be time to look into other options.
Negative links are a drag on your company's online visibility, but removing them isn't the only way to repair your image. You can counteract the bad with a powerful, focused public relations strategy that focuses on all the good your company is doing. When combined with advanced SEO tactics, this may bury old links many pages deep in a Google search, where users are significantly less likely to look for them.
Removing negative links isn't impossible, but managing your reputation is something you'll always have more influence over than outdated search engine results.