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5 Ways Technology Can Transform Recruiting

5 Ways Technology Can Transform Recruiting

As chronic labor shortages in the United States continue to put pressure on businesses and job seekers alike, the necessity for efficient recruitment strategies becomes more obvious.

With 90% of recent job seekers in the United States researching opportunities online and 84% applying online, a strong online presence has become a must for firms trying to attract top talent. This can take the shape of a strong social media presence: according to surveys, more than 84% of organizations recruit only through social media.

Of course, the hiring process entails more than just enticing prospects. Most firms have prioritized effective retention measures, and technology has a big role to play in this area as well. For many modern job seekers, hourly labor is excellent since it may provide unparalleled amounts of autonomy. Most job searchers, however, aspire to find regular employment; flexibility and autonomy are essential factors in worker happiness, but employees must also pay the bills. Fortunately, digital technologies are making it easier than ever for experienced recruiters to find this elusive mix.

1. Keep an eye on artificial intelligence

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more advanced with each passing year, carefully implementing automation across the recruiting process may help establish great teams while also ensuring team members remain around. There are numerous approaches to efficiently integrating AI into recruiting, such as using customer relationship management systems to store resumes and make them visible to everyone in a company.

Another advantage is that organizations may employ technology to automate undesired, repetitious, or just unpleasant labor. This might range from anything as simple as a kitchen knife sharpener to something as complicated as payroll software. Aside from making employees happier and more fulfilled, it also shows that a firm appreciates their time.

2. It's training time!

Every year, the number of digital job training or e-learning platforms offered to employers expands. Employers may find applications in this booming industry that allow their employees to go through training materials at their own pace and in whichever location works best for them. Furthermore, lessons on these platforms are always consistent since every employee is taught to the same quality and with the same material, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Employees who believe their firm is investing in them are more likely to stay with the same company for a lengthy period of time. These platforms may meet this demand by enabling employees to continually improve or learn new abilities, which benefits both them and the firm.

3. Kudos!

Everyone loved being recognized for their efforts, but this is not always the case for hourly, flexible, part-time, and remote workers. Many of these creative setups lack a form of "employee of the month" plaques to recognize outstanding employees. Of course, recognition isn't everything, but there are definite advantages to making employees feel valued: they are happier, more productive, and more likely to stick around. Platforms such as Wooboard have begun to emerge to enable companies to deliver kudos in a manner that is appropriate for the new realities of work.

While most businesses keep their employee appreciation activities to themselves, current and former workers may remember these actions when rating their work experiences on networks like LinkedIn. In a roundabout sense, giving positive feedback to employees while they are still at the firm is one method for businesses to ensure that their employees, in turn, give positive feedback about them.

4. Choosing Green

Employees and businesses alike are increasingly concerned about environmental sustainability. Green initiatives may help recruit talent and keep employees satisfied, in addition to benefiting the environment and attracting more clients. Employees who believe that their employer actively supports their beliefs are considerably more likely to be personally involved in the mission of that organization.

There are several methods for a company to employ technology to go green. For example, a company can gather data from its power bills and collaborate with an energy auditor to find areas of its operations where energy can be saved. Technology also allows organizations to minimize the quantity of raw paper produced and the amount of gasoline employees consume (in the case of remote work). There are various applications that businesses may implement in their offices to help minimize their carbon footprint while also engaging their employees.

5. Gaining Control

Technology is frequently utilized to improve workplace monitoring and connectedness. Platforms such as Asana may be used to track job progress and create work schedules, while Slack can be used to maintain lines of communication open between team members. There are obvious benefits to this, but it also runs the danger of overburdening employees, particularly hourly employees, by reducing their level of autonomy through excessive micromanagement.

To combat this, firms should think about how they might leverage technology to increase worker autonomy. There are a number of innovative employment platforms, for example, that provide employees with unprecedented control over identifying people who best meet their needs. These platforms make the process easier by allowing firms and employees to search using extremely specific criteria, ensuring that both sides discover the ideal fit. 

This is especially crucial for hourly employees, who may be juggling multiple jobs to fit their schedules.

In the end, autonomy and flexibility are especially vital in today's workplace. While utilizing app after app or platform after platform might bog down workers, efficient use of technology can also help them accomplish their best job by improving their freedom. Furthermore, in a dynamic, ever-changing employment market, technology helps ensure that both employers and individuals discover exactly what they're searching for.

Rachid Achaoui
By : Rachid Achaoui
Hello, I'm Rachid Achaoui. I am a fan of technology, sports and looking for new things very interested in the field of IPTV. We welcome everyone. If you like what I offer you can support me on PayPal: Communicate with me via WhatsApp : ⁦+212 695-572901

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